Top Feng Shui Master in Malaysia.
Achieve maximum potential in your life with modern yet accurate Chinese Metaphysics services offered by experienced professional Feng Shui Master Wesley Lim & his disciples in Bazi Reading, Residential & Commercial Feng Shui Audit, Qi Men Dun Jia consultations & more.

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Trusted by over 5000 Followers, Worldwide. Since 2002.
Start Your Journey of Happiness, Health and Success Today!

Career & Business Consultation
Redefine your life by your wills after knowing the best direction and no longer lives with what your “luck” leads you to be!

Feng Shui Audit &
Site Selection
Achieve and unlock the highest level of auspicious arrangements in the space for you and family through various calculations.

Daily Feng Shui &
Stay connected with our daily feng shui and zodiacs via Feng Shui Bao Di mobile apps to know what’s best in the day.

The Trainers
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Feng Shui Consultancy
We have put together a list of frequently asked questions regarding Bazi and Feng Shui for you to understand our services better.
East Chen Consultancy offers a list of the following services for our customers,
– BaZi Reading
– Residential Home Feng Shui audit
– Commercial Office Feng Shui audit
– General Chinese Metaphysics consultation
– Qi Men Dun Jia divination
Master Wesley Lim, principal Feng Shui master from East Chen Consultancy, meticulously and methodically calculate every client’s BaZi chart based on the birth year, day and time, combining with Feng Shui data / incidents charted out from one’s current living environment, overlaying with numerous layers of data such as the Flying Stars to assure highest accuracy in every consultation, hence providing the ability to project the precise outcomes in every scenario.
East Chen Consultancy has two physical outlets or offices located in Singapore and Malaysia. Nonetheless, we are also providing services to clients internationally thanks to technological advancement.
You may directly contact Crystine at +65 9789 0321 to further arrange any services.
You may directly contact our consultant to get the latest price guides.